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Test Question
For an adult victim, check for circulation by feeling for pulse at:

First Aid Basics: First Aid for Electric Shock
At nearly every turn, people living in a modern society are surrounded by electricity and electrical devices. When people come into unprotected contact with electricity, it can send a jolt or current of electricity shooting through the body. This is an electric shock, and it has the power to cause changes in one’s vision, muscular contractions, and burns. It may even cause one’s heart to beat irregularly. In the worse cases, it may cause death by electrocution. Treatment for any type of electric shock is important to prevent serious damage or death by electrocution.

First Aid Basics: First Aid for Minor Cuts and Scrapes
One of the best things to have in your home is a first aid kit for treating scrapes and cuts. No matter how careful you are, accidents are bound to happen! By learning basic first aid for scrapes and keeping a stocked kit, you can avoid unnecessary medical bills and be prepared in case of a minor emergency.

First Aid Basics: First Aid for Bruises
When a person falls, whether from a chair or while walking, it is likely that the individual will develop a bruise. Additionally, a person who is hit or tightly grasped by another person or is involved in an accident is also likely to bruise. Despite their unsightly appearance, bruises are not often considered to be serious injuries, and people may not seek out any type of care for them. Although they are quite common and generally not a cause for concern, there are times when bruises may be a sign of a more serious problem.

First Aid Basics: First Aid for Cuts
At some point in most people’s lives, they’ve experienced a minor or even a serious cut. In addition, many have also helped tend to someone who has received some type of cut. A cut can be as minor as a small paper cut or something major like a laceration that runs deep through skin and muscle. Both are generally painful, and both require some degree of first aid. Cuts that are minor often represent little danger if proper aid is given; deeper cuts, however, can result in more serious concerns and require more care and attention.

First Aid Basics: First Aid for Burns
Burns are serious injuries that require immediate attention. There are three categories, or degrees, of burns that range from mild to major. The type of burn will dictate your actions when it comes to providing first aid. Burn-related first aid is best performed by people who know what to do for victims and what not to do. It is a skill that is invaluable for someone who is a medical professional, is entering the medical profession, works with the public, or is a parent. At CPR Certified, we offer basic first aid courses online that will prepare you to provide aid for a number of emergency situations or accidents, including those that result in burns.

Advanced CPR & First Aid Training
When seeking employment in a health-care setting or when working in a job that puts you in contact with the public on a regular basis, you’ll want the best first aid and CPR training possible. An advanced CPR certification will make you stand out from others in you field and will give you confidence in your ability to provide emergency aid when needed. Here at CPR Certified, you can receive CPR and advanced first aid training online. Our online classes offer many benefits for the busy professional or student who wishes to learn the latest techniques, receive their certification card, or obtain recertification.

CPR Certification Study Guide
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation has saved countless lives during many emergencies, such as when someone has a sudden cardiac arrest or experiences a near-drowning. Contrary to popular belief, anyone can learn CPR without undergoing extensive medical training. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), roughly 70 percent of Americans lack the ability to perform CPR when it matters the most. In fact, 88 percent of cardiac arrests occur at home, which means CPR is most likely to save the lives of loved ones. This staggering statistic alone should encourage you to learn CPR and become certified even if you are not a health-care professional. In addition, you may be required to take the CPR certification test to obtain a position in the health-care industry.

Careers That Require CPR Certification
The ability to perform CPR is a skill that adds immeasurable value to all areas of one’s life, both personal and professional. It serves to boost your confidence in your ability to provide immediate care in an emergency, and it also boosts the confidence of those around you. When you receive and maintain certification, it also increases your desirability as an employee in certain industries and for certain jobs.

Pet First Aid & CPR
Although pets are well-loved members of the family, many people have no idea what to do if their dog or cat is hurt and needs emergency medical attention.

Everything You Need to Know About CPR Compressions
When it comes to life-threatening emergency situations, one of the greatest skills that one can have is the knowledge of properly performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (better known as CPR).

In Need of a First Aid or CPR Refresher?
One of the most important skills that a person can have is the skill of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (or CPR) properly in the event of an emergency. A proper CPR technique can mean the difference between life and death.

Save a Life: Learn CPR & First Aid
The statistics are grim for anyone experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest outside of the hospital. When someone’s heart stops beating, it usually happens at home. Sadly, only about 8 percent of these people will survive this medical emergency.

Who Should Learn Pediatric CPR & Why
The unthinkable can happen in a heartbeat. As active and sturdy as children can be, they are also inherently fragile. If an accident occurs, you may need to administer first aid or CPR to a child.

How to Get CPR & First Aid Certified
The survival statistics for cardiac arrest victims are frightening. Only about 6.4 percent of people experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest will survive.

The Benefits of AED Training
Cardiac arrests happen frequently, with most of them occurring in the home, according to the American Heart Association. If bystanders don’t have adequate training for responding to this medical emergency, death could happen quickly.

Basic CPR Certification Requirements
Numerous professions demand CPR training and certification. However, even people who do not need to use CPR professionally should think about becoming CPR-certified. A report compiled by the American Heart Association estimates the global death rate for heart disease at 17.3 million annually.

The Benefits of BLS Training
Every day, there are any number of events that can result in serious injury and cause a person to stop breathing. These occurrences require fast action and people who are knowledgeable and capable enough to provide helpful assistance. Here at CPR Certified, we offer life-saving training such as our BLS training online.

First Aid for Hangovers: Ideas That Actually Work.
Lots of us have been there—a night of excessive drinking followed by a morning where you wish you hadn’t had those last few drinks. So what’s the best way to speed a hangover out the door?

Nine Most Unrealistic Things That Happen in TV Hospitals
TV medical dramas might be fun to watch, but often they bear little resemblance to what goes on in an actual hospital. Here are a few of the most common and most egregious medical and practical inaccuracies you’ll see.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Cardiac Arrest
CPR and AEDs are both designed to give people suffering from cardiac arrest a chance at survival. Every year, approximately 326,200 victims suffer from cardiac arrest in the United States, and it is deadly—nine out of ten people who are struck by sudden cardiac arrest do not survive.

AED's 101: What They Are, What They're For, and Why You Should Learn to Use One
AEDs or Automated External Defibrillators are a common but very dramatic tool that consists of two paddles that will send jolt of electricity through a patient's body in order to restart their heart. And here are some things you should know about using automated external defibrillators.

Six Reasons Why You Should Re-Learn CPR
Has it been a while since you have been certified to preform CPR? This can happen - life gets busy or maybe you stopped working in the profession that requied it. Whatever the reason, you updating your CPR knoweldge is an excellent idea. Here are some reasons why you should update your CPR skills.

Nine Things You Should Expect From Your Online CPR Certification Program.
There is a number of programs that are avaliable which offer classes and certifications. Now, not every online CPR certification is created equal; however, if you are to take an online CPR course there are a few baseline requirments you should be looking for.

CPR Trends to Follow for 2015
Over the decades there has been a noticiable change in CPR, and it appears that the trend is moving towards a more simple method. It is now being suggested by the New American Heart Association that research is showing that CPR can be performed, and with good results, by leaving out the rescue breaths. This development makes it the skill much easier to learn.

Our Favorite Fictional Hospital Teams
Through triumphs and troubles, medical shows definitely tug at our heartstrings. Why do we love them? We look some of the most popular ficitional hospital medical dramas and why we love each of them so much.

Who Could Have Been Saved? Your Favorite TV and Movie Characters
I'm an avid TV- and movie-watcher, but I've noticed a disturbing trend lately. It seems that nearly every character I become attached to, whether it's in one of my favorite movies or the latest TV show, ends up dying. Below is a list of my most upsetting character deaths (spoilers below!) and whether or not I think they could have pulled through.

New Year’s Resolutions for First Aid: Safety Goals for the New Year
It's important to have a first aid kit in your home just in case someone you love is injured and needs immediate treatment, and the New Year is a great time to take stock of that. This year make sure that if the worst happen, you are prepared. Here are a few things you can resolve to do in the New Year.

Staying Safe in the Snow: Tips for Cold-Weather First Aid
Winter is a great time for the entire family. From snow forts to snowball fights, winter can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a rough season that carries its own special dangers. Here are some tips for those winter specific injuries.

Introducing Children and Pets? First Aid Tips to Keep Both Safe
One of the greatest joys in a child's life can be there pets; however, there are some pitfalls to be aware of—children can be unpredictable and unaware of a pet’s fragility, and a frightened pet could present a danger. Here are a few first aid and animal behavior tips you should be aware of.

Trapped in a Scary Movie? Want to Survive? Six First Aid Skills You'll Need
Have you ever thought about what it would take to survive in a scary movie—and whether you’d make it to the credits? Learn what first aid tips you would need to make it the end of any scary movie!