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    Save a Life: Learn CPR & First Aid

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    About the author

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    Dr. Mary Williams, R.N., D.C is a Doctor of Chiropractic with an extensive background as a Registered Nurse and experienced Core Instructor for the American Heart Association. She has over 30 years of hands-on medical and instructional experience.

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    The statistics are grim for anyone experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest outside of the hospital. When someone’s heart stops beating, it usually happens at home. Sadly, only about 8 percent of these people will survive this medical emergency. The main reason for this frightening statistic is that bystanders do not know how to respond in a sudden cardiac arrest situation. Only about 32 percent of these victims receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation from a bystander. When you take the time to learn CPR, you can be the person who steps up to save a life. Learning CPR is not as difficult as you may think. In fact, you probably have time to learn CPR, first aid, and safety tips today.

    Because most sudden cardiac arrests happen at home, the life you save will probably be that of a family member or friend. Most of these emergencies happen to people who seem healthy and have no history of heart disease. When the cardiac arrest happens, the victim’s heartbeat becomes chaotic. In response to this irregularity, the heart simply stops beating. After the heart ceases beating, you only have moments to respond. When the heart stops beating, it stops pumping blood to the brain and other organs. Within just four minutes, permanent brain damage will occur due to a lack of oxygen. Within six minutes, death will occur. Unfortunately, it’s not likely that rescue personnel will make it in time to intervene, which illustrates how important it is for bystanders to learn CPR and learn first aid so they can respond.

    Certification Made Easy

    Learning CPR is a fast and easy process with CPR Certified. We have created online courses to teach you these life-saving skills. Our video classes are presented by AHA-certified CPR instructors, trained by the American Heart Association. You can take these classes anywhere on any device, making it simple to fit this training into your busy schedule. Whether you are seeking initial certification or you need recertification for CPR training, we have a class to fit your needs. Our classes are ideal for the professional needing to certify for employment or for anyone who wants to learn CPR for personal use.

    When you’re ready to begin learning first aid and life-saving CPR, simply visit our website and create an account. We just need a few details from you, including your name and your email address. From here, you will select the class you want to take, make your payment, and begin your studies. We have designed our videos to allow for play, pause, rewind, and fast-forward to skip over material you already know. Some people progress through the videos in as little as two hours. You can take as much time as you need to complete the class, though, because our courses don’t include completion deadlines.

    After learning the material, it’s time to move on to the exam. Complete the multiple-choice test anywhere. An in-person skills test is not required, although we will help you schedule one in your local area if you want one. After you finish the test, we’ll deliver your results immediately. If you pass the exam, you can download and print a certificate right away to show your credentials. A wallet card will follow in the mail within about 10 days. If you did not pass, we’ll help you keep working. Just return to the videos, master the information, and retake the exam whenever you are ready. We don’t charge fees for retesting, and you can take the test as many times as necessary until you pass.

    Come see why training and testing with CPR Certified just makes sense. We are nationally recognized, and the credentials you earn with us will be accepted worldwide. Furthermore, we guarantee that your employer will accept your certification, or we will refund your money. Let us partner with you to learn CPR and first aid!


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