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    Who Should Learn Pediatric CPR & Why

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    About the author

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    Dr. Mary Williams, R.N., D.C is a Doctor of Chiropractic with an extensive background as a Registered Nurse and experienced Core Instructor for the American Heart Association. She has over 30 years of hands-on medical and instructional experience.

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    The unthinkable can happen in a heartbeat. As active and sturdy as children can be, they are also inherently fragile. If an accident occurs, you may need to administer first aid or CPR to a child. The seconds and minutes that pass after an accident are precious. If the brain is deprived of oxygen for too long, permanent damage or death could occur very quickly. Although emergency personnel may be en route to help, they probably won’t arrive in time to prevent catastrophic damage from occurring. Only about 6 percent of children experiencing a cardiac arrest out of the hospital will survive, usually because bystanders in attendance don’t know what to do. You could be the person who saves a child’s life if you have pediatric CPR certification. And taking a pediatric CPR class is not as difficult or time-consuming as you think.

    Drowning is the top cause of accidental death in kids between the ages of 1 and 4. A non-swimming child in the water can drown in only one minute. Only approximately one-third to one-half of children experiencing cardiac arrest will receive CPR from a bystander. Survival rates for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in children rise to more than 70 percent when CPR is administered by a bystander. Many of these children also have positive neurological outcomes. When parents take pediatric CPR and first aid classes, they prepare themselves to respond correctly in an emergency.

    Learn Key Differences

    Adult CPR and pediatric CPR differ in some important ways. Kids have a different bone structure and physiology, so the way you proceed with CPR is different for a child. Children’s bones tend to flex and bend, whereas adults’ bones will break more easily. Children also have narrower airways and proportionally larger tongues than adults do. For a child in distress, start CPR immediately before calling 911. You must be very careful as you administer rescue breaths and chest compressions to avoid injuring a child. If you have an AED available, special pediatric pads should be present on the device. When you take a pediatric CPR class, you will learn all of these important details so you can work to save a child’s life.

    CPR Certified offers online courses for pediatric first aid certification. Our video courses are presented by professional AHA-certified CPR instructors. You can progress as quickly or as slowly as you like through the videos. Go ahead and play, pause, rewind, or skip over any material to create the course you need. Earning your pediatric CPR and first aid certification with CPR Certified is easy because we never institute a completion deadline. You can get your certification in less than two hours or take as long as you want.

    After watching the videos and learning the material in the pediatric CPR class, you can move forward to the exam. After finishing the multiple-choice test, we’ll deliver your results immediately. If you pass, we’ll send you a printable certificate right away to show your pediatric CPR certification. If you did not pass, we’ll help you work on the material again. Just return to the videos so you have a solid handle on the material, and then retest when you’re ready. You can retest as often as it takes, and we do not charge for this process.

    After you pass the test, we will send you a vinyl certification card by mail within 10 days. This card is sturdy, waterproof, and completely professional. You can show it to anyone proudly to demonstrate your credentials. We will also remind you when it’s time for recertification to keep your credentials. It’s time to make sure you know how to respond in an emergency. Earn your pediatric CPR certification today the fast and easy way.


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