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    Everything You Need to Know About CPR Compressions

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    About the author

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    Dr. Mary Williams, R.N., D.C is a Doctor of Chiropractic with an extensive background as a Registered Nurse and experienced Core Instructor for the American Heart Association. She has over 30 years of hands-on medical and instructional experience.

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    When it comes to life-threatening emergency situations, one of the greatest skills that one can have is the knowledge of properly performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (better known as CPR). Performing the technique improperly or in a situation that does not require it, however, can cause a lot of harm. To be sure of when CPR is truly necessary, it is best to seek training and advice from a professional. Aside from knowing when to do CPR, it is just as important to understand how to properly perform CPR. Although it may seem to be simple, there are a lot of important details to consider before performing CPR in an emergency. Here at CPR Certified, we offer courses with AHA-certified instructors in CPR for infants, children, and adults. We offer a wide variety of CPR certification programs online. From CPR training for people of all ages to programs for health-care professionals, we have a course for every need.

    Steps to Save a Life

    Some of the most frequent questions untrained individuals have about CPR are queries about how to do chest compressions and how many compressions in CPR are required. Generally, during one cycle of CPR, there are 30 chest compressions for adults. This number is the same for infants and children as well. To perform a chest compression, one hand should be placed in the center of the person’s chest. The heel of this hand should be aligned with the person’s breastbone. The second hand is then interlocked and placed on top of the first hand to ensure a proper amount of pressure. When performing compressions on children or infants, however, it may not be necessary to use both hands. After the hands are placed properly, it is important to ensure that the fingers of both hands are pointing upwards. The heel and palm of the hand should be in contact with the chest. Both arms should be kept straight, and then the individual performing CPR can begin to push down on the chest. The pushing should be hard and should press the chest down approximately two inches. This number also varies based on the age and size of the person receiving CPR. After pushing down, the rescuer should wait until the chest completely rises back up before pushing down on the chest again. These steps should be repeated throughout CPR. Number of compressions, hand placement, and the depth to which each compression is performed are vital to the success of CPR. In our courses, we discuss all of these steps in depth, including more detailed information on CPR chest compression depth and where to do chest compressions for children and infants. This knowledge is a key part in performing a proper CPR technique.

    Top-Notch Training

    To offer this information and detailed lessons in a convenient manner, we offer all of our courses in an online setting. In this manner, we enable individuals who are interested in learning the life-saving skill of CPR to do so on their own time. Our courses are flexible and have no deadlines to ensure that the course work is completed at the best possible time for learning. We also offer courses for those in the professional health-care field. Those who must complete CPR certification or recertification for employment purposes can rest assured that our certifications will be accepted by their employers. We offer a 100% guarantee and will gladly refund the cost of CPR certification in the event that certification is not acknowledged by an employer. Contact us with any questions or concerns and learn the answers to common questions such as how many compressions in CPR are needed and what is the proper CPR chest compression depth today!


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