Our Courses
  • View All Our Courses
  • CPR Training
  • Adult CPR & AED
  • Adult-Only CPR & AED
  • BLS Certification
  • Adult CPR & First Aid
  • Basic First Aid
  • Pathogens
  • Bloodborne Pathogens Certification
  • Airborne Pathogens Certification
  • Refund Policy

    Our No-Hassle Refund Policy

    It’s rare that a customer’s employer won’t take our card. So rare that we offer an airtight guarantee: your money back if your employer doesn’t accept our card. Period.

    If you’re one of the few who needs to request a refund, here’s how to do it:

    1. Mail us documentation showing that your employer does not accept our card, within 30 days.

    And that’s it. There is no second step. If we receive your documentation within 30 days, we’ll issue you a 100% refund minus 1) any applicable USPS shipping and handling fees only IF your wallet card has been shipped already and 2) merchant / interchange fees—no questions asked, no hassles, and no hidden fees.

    That said, when employers don’t accept our card, the reason is usually unfamiliarity with our program. When we get a chance to call employers, introduce ourselves, and discuss our training with them, they almost always reverse their decision. If you’d like us to give your employer a call, get in touch to set it up.